Halophyte:- Plant adapted to living in saline habitats
Hamate:- Hooked at the apex
Hastate:- With two ± triangular lobes pointed outwards; (of a leaf-base) see also sagittate.
Haustoria:- A nutrient absorbing outgrowth
Refers to crowded clusters of flowers or fruits, terminating in a common stalk.
Herb:- Any vascular plant that does not develop a woody stem. Those used specifically for flavouring food are called culinary herbs.
Herbaceous:- Refers to plant organs that are green and with a leaf-­like texture. Herbaceous perennials are plants that die to the ground each season.
Hermaphrodite:- Having both male and female organs in the same flower.
Heterostylous:- Having stamens and styles at different levels in flowers on different plants of the same species
Heterotypic synonym:- Is a name that is based on different type specimens. Such synonyms are the opinions of taxonomists rather than formal, nomenclatural rules. .
Hilum:- A characteristically shaped scar left on the surface of a seed when it becomes detached from the ovary.
Hirsute:- Covered with stiff or coarse hairs
Hispid:- With stiff bristly hairs.
Homosporous:- With spores of one kind.
Homotypic Synonyms:- A homotypic synonym, is a name that refers to the same type specimen as another name. Homotypic synonyms are declared through a 'nomenclatural act', that is, published in the scientific literature following the formal rules of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN). See also Heterotypic synonym.
Hyaline:- Thin and transparent.
Hybrid:- A plant originating from a cross between two distinct species.
Hypanthium:- Cup-shaped extension of the floral axis (i.e. the receptacle),
Hypocrateriform:- With a slender tube and abruptly widening limb; salver-shaped
Hypogynous:- The sepals, petals and stamens inserted on the receptacle below and free from the ovary, the ovary thus being superior.